紛失していた問題冊子が見つかりましたので、2014 年度第3回準1級の英作文をアップします。
参考書の満点のお手本文章ではありませんが、 12点獲得に必要な語彙レベル・文法レベル・許容ミスレベルの参考になるのではないかと思います。
Read the e-mail below.
Imagine that you are Harumi. Write an appropriate response to Zoe.
Your response should be around 100 words in length.
Write your response in the space provided on Side B of your answer sheet.
Any writing outside the space will not be graded.
Dear Harumi,
I hope you are well.
I read an interesting article about Japan yesterday. It said that the number of families in which both parents work is increasing. Do you think this trend will continue?
The article also said that people in Japan often socialize with their co-workers after work. What do you think about that?
By the way, I’m planning to start taking karate classes. Do you think it’s a good idea for people to do a martial art such as karate?
I look forward to hearing from you.
Dear Zoe,
Thank you for your letter. Below are my opinions for your questions.
I think that the trend you mentioned will continue because the average income of Japanese is not enough to live.
As for socialization with co-workers, it might looks strange for you, but actually it is very helpful for us to communicate smoothly.
By the way, I was surprised that you are planning to start taking karate classes. I believe it’s a good idea to do a martial art like karate. It would not only make you stronger but also train your mental.
Good luck with your karate classes.
(ちなみに英検の英作文は2点刻み(13点は存在しな い)なので、実質的には満点から1つ下の評価です。 )
過去問の模範解答は満点の文章しか掲載していないの で、どのくらいのミスが許容されるのかという採点基準が分からず、不 安になるかと思います。
①the average income of Japanese is not enough to live ⇒ the average income of Japanese is not enough to live on
liveは自動詞なので、income を目的語に持ってくる場合は前置詞onが必要。
②it might looks strange for you strange for you ⇒ it might look strange for you
助動詞mightの後は動詞の原形(中学生レベルのミ ス・・・orz)
③I was surprised that you are planning to start taking karate classes. ⇒ I was surprised that you were planning to start taking karate classes.
動詞がwas surprisedと過去形なので、that節の中も 過去形にすべきだったかも?(いわゆる時制の一致)
でも、Zoe,が今も検討中ならthat節の中は現在形で 問題ないはずだよな~と悶々と考えて現在形にしまし た。
これ以外にもパンクチュエーション、時制、スペルなど、私が自分で気付いていないマイナーなミスがある かもしれません。
(冠詞、単複は間違えやすい苦手な文法ですが、Zoe の表現を使っているので間違いは少ないはず!!と思ってます。 )
結論としては、英検準1級の英作文は全く恐れる必要 ないです。
③のようなグレーゾーンはさておき、①②のような明確な間違い(しかも基本文法)を、2個もやらかして いるにも関わらず、12点貰えた事を踏まえると、4~5個ぐらいのミスでも10点は貰えるんじゃないかと思 います。