英語版ワールドトリガーに出てくるパス単1級(でる度C 、名詞)の単語リストです。
1620: custody 養育権、保管、拘留
忍田:Take him into custody. We'll treat him as a prisoner of war.
1625: spur 拍車、刺激
三上:Do you mean they would've been better off if agent Betsuyaku had survived instead of Kuruma in that spur of the moment decision since he was more mobile?(第102話)
1641: deferment 延期 (動)defer ~を延ばす
遊真:Did you get chewed out, Osamu?
修:Yeah, but they deferred punishment. (第18話)
1645: alliance 同盟 ally(動)同盟する、(名)同盟国
奈良坂:What guarantee do we have that black trigger isn't allied with the neighbors that attack the city. (第16話)
迅:Let's think about this another way. What if this black trigger can be our ally? (第16話)
三輪:Arashiyama squad?!
太刀川:They formed an alliance with director Shinoda...! (第25話)
とりまる:Gunners and shooters are positons that think while fighting, consider both sides' goals, the field conditions, positions of allies, use all the elements, and control the opponent's movements. (第36話)
I felt the principal factors for the ranking were talent, being allies with the main characters, having a long history with the main characters, flashy action scenes and star combat power.(8巻おまけ、人気投票分析)
ミラ Likes: Completing missions, offering support to allies, high places, pancakes(9巻おまけ)
ヴィザ:It seems my superior officer has trapped your ally.(第76話)
遊真:If you're not trying to win, what are you supposed to do?
有吾:Focus on deffense, buy time. It'll help your allies. A weak person holding off a stronger one is already victorious.
遊真:Hm... What if you have no allies?
有吾:Then you run away.(第76話)
1655: extermination 駆除、根絶
ナレーション:Under Jin's command, the extermination ran day and night mobilizing everyone from C-Rank to A-Rank. (第11話)
1658: outrage 激怒
忍田:This is outrageous. It's thievery! And what about our defenses in the meantime?! (第16話)
1658: accusation 告訴
忍田:Please refrain from accusing our agents based purely on conjecture.(第85話)
1725: reconciliation 和解
レプリカ:Faced with stubborn resistance, the enemy eventually abandoned the invasion, and the war ended with reconciliation. (第20話)
1730: resurrection 復活
レプリカ:Yuma was hoping to resurrect his father from the black trigger he poured everything into. (第20話)
1733: retaliation 報復
修:Then he he's stuck and can't retaliate?! (第15話)
1734: plot 陰謀、構想、平面図
Speaking of advances, he moves the plot along really well, but he's so convenient that it's a problem. (2巻おまけ)
三輪:Arashiyama squad, why join hands with Tamakoma? What's Tamakoma plotting to use neighbors for? (第26話)
太刀川:What's wrong, Jin? Why aren't you using your fujin? What are you plotting? (第27話)
太刀川:You sold the Fujin. Why go so far to get a neighbor into border? What are you plotting?
迅:... Mr. Kido asked me that too...
木戸:What are you plotting? Jin! This "deal" is too good for our side. What are you really after?
迅:I'm not plotting anything. I'm just supporting the younger generation, in a cool way. (第32話)
林道:Mr.Kido, you're always assuming Jin and I are plotting something. Forming a squad, making A-rank, those were all their ideas. (第38話)
1738: neutrality 中立性(動)neutralize ~を中立にする、<軍隊など>を無効化する
レプリカ:Right now, he's thinking of a way to neutralize them peacefully. (第15話)
レプリカ:Analysis complete. I will neutralize the magndtic force. Escape while you can.(第70話)
1742: debacle 大失敗、崩壊、総崩れ
鬼怒田:What's going on here?! Jin's interference! The debacle with the top squads! (第31話)
1746: fatality 不慮の事故、死を招く災害 (刑)fatal(致命的な)
小寺:You got him! Great shot.
奈良坂:I missed. That should've been fatal. (第15話)
1750: maneuver 策略、巧みな動き
ヴィザ:Here he comes. A precise maneuver.(第78話)
1751: massacre 大虐殺 [=slaughter]
緑川:I lost, okay? 8-2! It was a total slaughter!(第88話)
1756: debris (破壊されたものの)瓦礫、残骸、がらくた
唐沢:Look for an opening. We'll use a lever to lift up the debris(第82話)
太刀川:The bridge debris provides relatively safe footholds to cross over with a grasshopper.(第99話)
1759: fortress 要塞
Additionally, she is the "iron-fortress" C-cup who is the student council vice president at her prep school.(8巻あおまけ)
1777: demolition 取り壊し、解体
武富:Sniper agent Amatori demolished the whole building with her ibis!!(第86話)
1790:cognition 認識、認知
レプリカ:Border's initial response was quick due to precognition and preparedness. (第44話)
1791: cluster 群れ、房
修:Suwa squad has two gunners and one attacker. Their tactical formation is a tight cluster.(第87話)
1799: costriction 締めつけ
ヒュース:An underground passage...darkness and constricted space. Is he the type who lays traps?(第65話)
1818: stealth こっそりした方法
風間:Utagawa. Prepare for stealth combat. (第28話)
風間:It reacted to the stealth attack. (第46話)
スターマーカー:Places a marker on a location previously hit by a bullet. Effective in stealth combat.(第71話)
The stealth fighters were ready and waiting for when you ran out of dummies. We win.(第71話)
1821: velocity 速度、高速
佐鳥:The lightning is weak and lightweight, but it has high muzzle velocity, is easy to hit with, and is good for chipping away at the enemy. The heavyweight ibis was developed for larger neighbors. Powerful, but with low muzzle <s" color="RED">velocity that makes it hard to connect with. (第34話)
1831: decoy おとり
菊地原:Aw, come on... Why couldn't you get it in one shot? I let myself be the decoy here... (第46話)
遊真:Reprica. He's a decoy too. Go protect Osamu and Chika.(第66話)
堤:More shells! Are they all decoys?(第70話)