英語版ワールドトリガーに出てくるパス単1級(でる度C 、形容詞・副詞)の単語リストです。
1881: retensive 記憶力がよい、保持力のある
遊真:Do they have zero memory retention? (第3話)
1886: distractedly 上の空で
ミラ:I've been distracted by the Meeden Rabit.(第79話)
1895: arrogant 傲慢な
An extremely competent man who developed the Gate Guidance Beacon system, constructed the basic systems in HQ and succeed in mass-producing Triggers. He acts arrogant, but he's earned it. (2巻おまけ)
Her personality was more deadly serious than arrogant at this point. (2巻おまけ)
風間:Do you really think you can win by yourself against us?
迅:I'm not that arrogant. I know what the away squads can do. (第25話)
嵐山:Naturally, more will be expected of you. Strive to deliver your best.
遊真:I see... That's why they're so arrogant. (第33話)
風間:It's my fault for going for the counter.
菊地原:You've gotta be better than that, Kazama.
歌川:What makes you so arrogant? (第37話)
1908: prolonged 長引く
ハイレイン:No need to prolong this. We'll finish all of it today, here and now. (第66話)
1910: provisional 暫定的な、条件付きの
嵐山:Most people will start at 1,000, except in cases where you showed aptitude during provisional enlistment and have had points added already. (第33話)
1922: contradictory 矛盾している
A tragic Trion soldier designed for the contradictory purposes of bombardment and caputure. (2巻おまけ)
1923: controversial 問題の、物議を醸す
He didn't start out as shorty, but if he'd been tall, the scene where he breaks the punk's leg would've been too controversial. (1巻おまけ)
1950: inconsequential 取るに足らない、重要ではない
エネドラ:How can this monkey still move like that?! He's using an inconsequential trigger of all things!(第71話)
1951: indiscriminate 見境がない
レプリカ:I hear there are those in border who are indiscriminately hostile towards neighbors. (第41話)
He wields a brutal Black Trigger with a wide-ranged, indiscriminate, insta-kill slashing attack. As an expert swordman with loads of experience, he can influence an entire war from afar.(8巻おまけ)
1957: intreped 大胆不敵な
Story When the intrepid new team visits HQ, Border's number two Attacker, Kazama, challenges Osamu to a practice match. (6巻、World Trigger Data Base)
2014: sullen 不機嫌な、うっとしい
One of the few characters officially recognized as good-looking within the story. He inherited his sullen look from his teacher Reiji, which makes him look even cooler. (3巻おまけ)
2023: juvenile 青少年の
修:What's the deal with him...? His logic sounds so juvenile but he's serious about it... (第2話)
2061: bent 不正な、曲がった
迅:You're the one with no escape. You got too bent out of shape. That's just not like you, Tachikawa. (第28話)
2095: critical (~に)批判的な
修:She'll shoot only at the critical moment.(第87話)
2100: identical 一卵性の、同一の
People with glasses keep them because the glasses are tied to their identity.(8巻おまけ、Q&A Part 6)
ミラ:We'll quickly identify a canditate with the data we received from your horns.(第72話)
麟児:I have to keep my collaborators' identities a secret. Those collaborators and I are going to see what's beyond a neighbor gate.(第82話)