英語版ワールドトリガーに出てくるパス単1級(でる度C 、動詞)の単語リストです。
1402: defy ~に反抗する、~を無視する
ミラ:Abandoning the mission. Defying orders. Shoud I force him back?(第62話)
ミラ:Your unruly attitude, defying orders and more than anything... Getting defeated by regular triggers while using Borboros. That is your fimal disgrace.(第72話)
1415: augment ~を増大させる、~を大きくする
He is from the most recent generation of horned fighters to be deployed, which in terms of stability and Trion augmentation is one of the best in history.(8巻おまけ)
1423: endow ~に(~を)授ける、~に(~を)寄贈する<with>
He's all about muscles, but he doesn't look down upon the physically weak. Instead, he believes in using his physical strength to help those who are less muscularly endowed. (3巻おまけ)
1454: astound ~をびっくり仰天させる
ハイレイン:A crude strategy but an astounding amount of trion.(第68話)
1470: obliterate ~を消す
小南:I'll obliterate those new models! Trigger on!! (第52話)
1488: ponder ~を熟考する
小南:Pick a trigger you like. I'll beat the snot out of you. You can ponder later why you lost. (第23話)
1492: infiltrate ~に潜入する
When a Humanoid Neighbor with a Black Trigger infiltrates the base, A and B-Rank agents take up arms in a battle of Numbers VS. Power.(8巻裏表紙)
レプリカ:Infiltration complete.(第80話)
1497: intercept ~を迎撃する、~を妨害する、~を傍受する
忍田:Divet trion to interceptor cannons!! (第48話)
Shuji Miwa A-Rank #7 Miwa Squad
Intercepted and fought two humanoid Neighbors [Black Triggers] in front of HQ, forcing the enemy to withdraw.(第83話)
Kei Tachikawa A-Rank #1 Tachijawa Squad
Intercepted bomber Trion soldiers attacking HQ, then whittled down enemy forces, mainly Rabits.(第83話)
1502: annihilate ~を完全に破壊する
ランバネイン:Annihiation aside, it would be nice to stretch our legs a bit. Right, brother? No, captain. (第47話)
武富:That was fast!! Yoshizato squad was annihilated already?!(第86話)
1516: slash ~をさっと切る、~を削減する、~を酷評する
風間:So that's Jin's black trigger, fujin, the "wind blade." He transmits the slash of the blade through objects to strike anywhere he can see. (第28話)
宇佐美:Swift slashes, sharp body! Yasha-maru black!(第50話)
迅:According to Reiji, these two make a dangerous team. One has a trigger that captures opponents with magnets and the other has a black trigger with a peculiar slashing attack.(第64話)
He wields a brutal Black Trigger with a wide-ranged, indiscriminate, insta-kill slashing attack. As an expert swordman with loads of experience, he can influence an entire war from afar.(8巻おまけ)
ハイレイン:A slash attack! Where did that ー(第80話)
おまけ:Prototype of Miwa's vertical slash that he used during the battle with Hyrein.(10巻おまけ)
1523: rescind ~を撤回する、~を無効にする
レプリカ:You jus got promoted, but your rank might be rescinded because you sheltered him. (第15話)
風間:The order to steal the black trigger was rescinded. If you were willing to give up the Fujin, you should've done that to begin with. (第32話)
1530: erode 損なわれる、~を浸食する
根付:That's not good! Any damage to the city will erode the people's faith in border... (第46話)
1542: interrogate ~を尋問する
ヒュース:If you want information, shouldn't you interrogate or torture me? (第98話)
1546: torture ~を拷問する
ヒュース:If you want information, shouldn't you interrogate or torture me? (第98話)
1559: gnaw (~を)かじって穴をあける<through>
8th Kei Tachikawa Popular even while gnawing on mochi (5巻おまけ)
1567: swarm 殺到する、群れをなして動く
沢村:Suzunari and Chano squads have also encountered the new model in the southwest! It's effectively blocking them from stopping the swarm of trion soldiers! The swarm is breaking out of the emergence area! (第46話)
忍田:Besides, if they go after the swarm, more of the new ones might appear! (第46話)
沢村:The swarm is advancing! They are about to breach the emergence area in the south. (第48話)
修:One of the new models might be in the swarm... Would I be able to stop one by myself? (第48話)
米屋:The new models everyone's talking about. And there's a whole swarm of 'em.(第67話)
1573: hobble (~で)両脚を縛る、足をひきずってよたよた歩く
ハイレイン:The golden goose's carrier has been hobbled. We'll deal with this interloper first.(第79話)
1588: clobber ~をひどく負かす、~を酷評する
三バカ1号:Guys...Get him! Clobber him! (第1話)
1608: strive 懸命に努力する、頑張る
嵐山:Naturally, more will be expected of you. Strive to deliver your best.
遊真:I see... That's why they're so arrogant. (第33話)