









1183: virtually 事実上、実質的には
修:Usami? HQ has a virtual training program to fight trion soldiers. Can we do that at Tamakoma? (第50話)

1185: abruptly 突然 abrupt 無愛想な
ヴィザ:What an abrupt greeting...dear me.(第64話)

1186: potential 潜在的な
とりまる:What did you think?
風間:To be blunt, he's weak. He's borderline in trion and physical ability. I don't feel the potential implicit in Jin's support. (第37話)

1187: indispensable 必要不可欠な
Indispensable for making the story flow smoothly, and very convenient. (1巻おまけ)

1189: crude 天然のままの、粗野な
ハイレイン:A crude strategy but an astounding amount of trion.(第68話)

1190: confidential 極秘の、機密の
修:Civilian memories are processed to ensure certain events remain confidential. (第3話)

1194: conspicuous 人目につく
根付:Mobilizing them all is too conspicuous. I think it's too risky. (第18話)
嵐山:Ken. Still there?
佐鳥:You bet. Incospicuous and everything. (第30話)

1212: chronic 慢性の
The chronic pain in my neck was acting up again, so I went on hiatus that week and didn't get to use it.(10巻おまけ)

1213: addictive 中毒性のある
迅:Want a bonchi rice cracker? So addictive. (第11話)

1215: inevitable 避けられない
忍田:They will eliminate the threat, one area at a time. Damage to other areas will be inevitable, I'm afraid. (第46話)
I hadn't decided which one of them he would fight, but since one of Yuma's strength is his combat experience in the Neighbor world, it was probably inevitable for him to fight someone with even more experience than he has.(8巻、おまけページ)
根付:Since agents were kidnapped, it's inevitable that the citizens will hound us...(第81話)

1235: intricate 複雑な
ヴィザ:How rare. A tropoi autonomous trion soldier... No wonder. The varied, intricate attacks make sense now.(第66話)

1244: stale 鮮度の落ちた、陳腐な
エネドラ:Your moves are stale and boring. You're the definition of cannon fodder!!(第65話)

1248: bountiful 十分な
レプリカ: A water world with a vast and bountiful ocean, Liberi, the marine nation. (第42話)

1257: adequate 適切な、十分な
佐鳥:The egret you're all using now is an all-purpose type with optimal firing range. It's adequate for most jobs. (第34話)
レプリカ:To explain that, this diagram is inadequate. (第42話)

1266: compatible 相性がよい、互換性のある
レプリカ:A black trigger reflects the person's personality. Therefore, a drawback is that it can only be activated by a compatible user. (第16話)
宇佐美:Usually only someone compatible with it can use a black trigger. (第27話)
宇佐美:Tachikawa couldn't participate. He wasn't compatible with the black trigger. (第27話)
Outperforms regular Triggers, but the user must be compatible with the personality of the creator, meaning only a few people can use any given Black Trigger.(8巻 World trigger Data base Black Trigger)
ミラ:The commander and I are both being forced to fight inconpatible opponents.(第77話)
Considering that his plan is solely focused on the C-Rank trainees, he seems more like a civil servant than a military officer. Maybe that's why he was compatible with Alektor.(9巻おまけ、登場人物プロフィール)

1278: intimate 詳細な、親密な
修の母:You were badly hurt but Chika didn't cry for you. The two of you aren't intimate enough.(第83話)

1279: optimum 最高の、最適な
佐鳥:The egret you're all using now is an all-purpose type with optimal firing range. It's adequate for most jobs. (第34話)

1286: crucial 重大な、決定的な
忍田:And she reported that Mikumo's rescue operations were crucial. (第10話)
迅:The length of time you can delay them for will prety crucial.(第63話)
宇佐美:You totally deserve it. You were crucial in driving the enemy back.(第83話)

1287: ditinct はっきりとわかる
宇佐美:So! Next: the triggers for gunners. There are four types of gunner triggers each with distinctive features. (第29話)
He's 5'2", but it seems like he shrinks every time I draw him. Pretty soon, he's going to be indistinguishable from Yotaro and he'll be eating dinner at Tamakoma. (4巻おまけ)
Hyrein [Neighbor] Likes: Distinguished personnel, diversions, and fragmenting armies, family, peaceful living(9巻おまけ、登場人物プロフィール)
試験監督:The biggest criterion, in short,is the aptitude to use a trigger.
試験監督:Well, you might not be able to understand what it is. But distinct differences in ability do exist. Even now, this room is measuring your aptitude.(第82話)
宇佐美:You just woke up so I'll get to the point. Just to inform you, while you were sleeping, they gave out distinguished service awards.(第83話)
Special Distinguished Service(第83話)
修:Kuga got the special distinguished service award?!
宇佐美:Heh, heh. Next are the outstanding distinguished service awards...
Outstanding Distinguished Service
宇佐美:The rest are excellent distinguished service awards. Our very own Reiji and Torimaru are among them.
Excellent Distinguished Service

1294: hostile 敵意のある、敵の hostility(名)敵意、戦闘行為、敵対行為
木戸:What do you want, Jin? Did you come to declare hostilities? (第29話)
Should Border admit a Neighbor into its ranks? Jin and Arashiyama Squad think so, and they clash against headquarters' top agents to preserve Yuma's right to enlist. After a brutal fight against his friends and peers, Jin makes an unimaginable sacrifice to put an end to the hostility and protect Yuma's future at Border. (4巻背表紙)
レプリカ:I hear there are those in border who are indiscriminately hostile towards neighbors. (第41話)

1301: unruly 手に負えない
ミラ:Your unruly attitude, defying orders and more than anything... Getting defeated by regular triggers while using Borboros. That is your final disgrace.(第72話)

1305: obnoxious 鼻持ちならない、とてもいやな
木虎:Don't confuse us with any old fifth place.
出水:You're so obnoxious, Kitora...

1314: formidable (敵などが)手ごわい、(仕事などが)大変な
迅:What do you think of Shun, Yuma?
遊真:Pretty formidable. I might've been in trouble id I wasn't used to ten-round matches with Konami. I think he'll get much stronger given time. (第41話)
ランバネイン:They didn't fall for our plan to divide them. They are quite formidable. (第46話)
The agents face off with formidable Humanoid Neighbors, but then one of them forces his way into Border Headquaters! What will happen?(8巻 World trigger Data base STORY)
迅:I think you should know, Reiji. There will be some formidable foes in the coming invasion.(第63話)
太刀川:His sword is heavy with past experience and battles against his most formidable rivals.(第100話)

1315: confrontational 対決する覚悟の
レプリカ:The chain you placed at the beginning of the battle is gone. Your prospects are poor in a direct confrontation.(第77話)
レプリカ:I have to keep it simple and be completely direct. We'll calculate the best moment and force him into a confrontation.(第78話)

1335: lax しまりのない、だらしない
根付:He'd set a bad example for other C-Rank agents. And we don't want civilians to think border is lax. (第10話)

1336: pathetic 哀れな、不十分な
エネドラ:It's so fun to see monkeys wrack their punny brains. Keep up that あかpathetic screeching until you die.(第70話)

1342: obscure 曖昧な、無名の
遊真:I don't think you'd recognize the country name.
三好:Yeah, it must be some place really obscure. (第3話)

1345: ultimately 最終的には
It's a race against time as the ultimate showdowns begin.(8巻おまけ)

1356: dense 密集した、(霧・雲などが)濃い、愚鈍な、飲み込みの悪い
遊真:Osamu should be doing something about it himself, but he can be pretty dense about things that concern himself. (第40話)

1372: disciplinary 懲戒の、規則上の
木虎:To set an example for C-Rank agents and maintain border discipline, he should be punished according to the rules. (第6話)
木虎:What are you saying?! I-I was just talking about organizational discipline. (第6話)
レイジ:She's disciplined and motivated, but I don't see how she's suited for combat. (第23話)

1387: simultaneous 同時の
モブ:He got one! A simultaneous hit! (第40話)
佐鳥:Their simultaneous full-on attack "hound storm," will be super powerful if it connects!(第86話)

1393: tremendous すさまじい
レプリカ:Combined with the other units, it adds up to tremendous total cost.(第49話)




英検3級  中学の頃。[記録なし]
英検準1級 15年第3回 [一次78点、二次33点]

08年10月 630点 [記録なし]
12年09月 625点 [L285、R340]
13年03月 685点 [L325、R360]
13年06月 685点 [L305、R380]
14年03月 950点 [L460、R490]
14年12月 920点 [L470、R450]

15年02月 280点 [S130、W150]


