0474:profound 深い、深遠な
木虎:"It doesn't matter if I lose"? That's just loser speak. You can't learn how to win unless you fight to win.
とりまる:That was a profound statement. (第35話)
0479: authentic 本物の、確実な、信頼できる
認証音声:Trigger authenticated. Opening direct route to HQ. (第10話)
木戸:I don't need to deal. I could revoke your privilege to use that trigger because of your unauthorised battle with Tachikawa and his team. (第31話)
0486: futile 無駄な
ミラ:Resign yourself to your fate. Futile resistance annoys me.(第77話)
ミラ:Like I said futile resistance annoys me.(第77話)
0489: manifest 明らかな
レプリカ:In rare cases, people who have high trion levels experience additional effects on the brain and the senses. This manifests as extrasensory perception. (第11話)
0503: covert 秘密の
ナレーション:Topography traversal training; Top score. Covert action training; Top score. Detection and tracking training; Top score. (第38話)
0515: subtle 微妙な、鋭い
The clothes and accessories are subtly different. I don't remember why. But things are still changing now, so don't worry about it. (3巻おまけ)
0521: vulnerable (~に)傷つきやすい<to>、もろい
She's skilled and proud, and that makes her vulnerable-my favorite kind of character. (1巻おまけ)
東:The start is when everyone's most vulnerable.(第88話)
0522: impervious (~に)影響されない<to>
ナレーション:This body is largely impervious to damage from non-trion sources. (第8話)
0529: stubborn 頑固な
レプリカ:Faced with stubborn resistance, the enemy eventually abandoned the invasion, and the war ended with reconciliation. (第20話)
遊真:Did the hospital fix your stubborn side too?(第84話)
0556: sinister 陰険な、邪悪な、不吉な
It's a Neighbor invasion! When sinister new Trion soldiers attack, Osamu stands alongside Border's best to defend the city. But has he improved enough to defeat the surprising power of his new alien foe? (6巻背表紙)
0558: bluntly ぶっきらぼうに、そっけなく
とりまる:What did you think?
風間:To be blunt, he's weak. He's borderline in trion and physical ability. I don't feel the potential implicit in Jin's support. (第37話)
0560: aloof よそよそしい、冷淡な
三輪:... I can't get a "◇" by my face! The other A-Rank agents can!
小寺:But you're aloof! I don't think Kazama can either. (4巻おまけ)
0574: erratic 不規則な、風変わりな
修:I couldn't do a thing against him. Unlike Kazama, I couldn't read his moves... He wasn't very consistent. Almost erratic. (第41話)
Neighbor countries are called "planet-nations" because they traverse the darkness on their own orbits. Many of them brush by this world as they travel along their path. Some, called "erratic nations," fly about freely, without determined orbits. (6巻、World Trigger Data Base)
0587: ferocious 凶暴な
ヴィザ:It's a pity. My sword cannot be defeated with brazen ferocity alone.(第話78)
0592: impeccable 申し分のない
宇佐美:This impeccably composed beefcake is Reiji Kizaki, 21 years old.
レイジ:Composed beefcake...? Does that make me even human? (第22話)
0595: invincible 不屈の、克服しがたい、無敵の
Earth is under threat from neighbors, invincible monsters from another dimension that destroy our way of life. (1巻背表紙)
とりまる:A chameleon is powerful, but not invincible. Can you figure it out? Osamu?
修:An invisibility trigger isn't invincible. I know that. (第35話)
エネドラ:Is invincible mode over? That only served to kill some time.(第70話)
0599: sporadic 散発的な、突発的な
忍田:Their deployment of the new model has been sporadic. (第48話)
0605: notable 目立った
The four countries in position to attack, notably Kion and Aftokrator. (6巻、World Trigger Data Base)
0611: tenacious 粘り強い
太刀川: He's quite tenacious. (第102話)
0618: drab くすんだ、単調な
とりまる:We use triggers to create space. Most of it's being used for the sniper room, so it's pretty drab in here. (第23話)
0623: subdued 沈んだ、控え目な subdue ~を制圧する
ヴィザ:We will not be able to subdue him without drastic measures.(第62話)
0625: gullible だまされやすい
宇佐美:This is Kirie Konami, 17 years old. She's quite gullible. (第22話)
0638: traumatic 精神的外傷を引き起こす
麟児:Ever since she's been scared of asking for help. It traumatized her. (第13話)
0661: intimidated 恐れて
He demonstrated that he was actually able to stand up in this volume, but he is more intimidating while seated.(10巻おまけ)
0693: obligatory 義務的な、強制的な
ライモンド:Don't force yourself. You helped us enough already. You're under no obligation to fight. (第20話)
0697: implicit 暗に示された、暗黙の、絶対の
とりまる:What did you think?
風間:To be blunt, he's weak. He's borderline in trion and physical ability. I don't feel the potential implicit in Jin's support. (第37話)