









0003: confiscate ~を没収する
三バカ2号:The manga you confiscated yesterday was a memento of my grandpa! (第1話)
迅:But then you'd have to confiscate their triggers too, right. That's fine with me too. Whatever it takes to get to the enlistment day peacefully.
木戸:What if I said we'll confiscate your trigger only? (第31話)

0006: mock (仕草)をまねる、~をからかう(形)にせの、まねごとの
迅:See, Shuji? I told you not to do this.
三輪:Did you come just to mock us?! (第16話)
宇佐美:To be promoted, you need not only mission merits you also need to win mock battles between border agents. (第22話)

0011: condone ~を許す
木虎:Saving lives is to be appreciated, of course. However, condoning his actions will only encourage other C-Rank agents to break the rules. (第6話)

0013: fluctuated 変動する、上下する
We tallied a version that didn't count the multiple votes [one postcard per person], which resulted in a lot of fluctuations, such as Satori ranking 12th, Kitora in ninth, Reprica in eighth, and so on.(8巻おまけ、人気投票分析)

0014: forego ~をなしで済ませる、~を慎む
忍田:Who's the one who decide to forego debate in favor of theft? (第31話)

0019: meddle (~に)干渉する
修:I just need to fire one last shot! Can you help me?!
修:Boost. Double!
Shkeen Foom! Zapp
三輪:Feh! Needless meddling...(第76話)

0026: implant ~を埋め込む、(思想など)を(~に)植えつける
Aftokrator produces humans with exceptional Trion abilities by implanting Trigger-equipped Trion receptors into their heads.(8巻 World trigger Data base Horns)

0032: manipulate ~を巧みに操る
小南:He's probably sneaking around. His hobby is behind-the-scenes manipulation. (第25話)
新3バカ1号:I'm saying the ignorant are easily manipulated. (第33話)
とりまる:A shooter can manipulate bullet properties at will. Power, range, speed. You can adjust these parameters in every attack. You can scatter small shrapnel or fire one big blast. The drawback is all that manipulation takes time, and you have to account for accuracy as well. You need good instincts to be effective. (第36話)
Trigger  A technology created by Neighbors to manipulate Trion. (6巻、World Trigger Data Base)
レプリカ:They're manipulating us by using their numbers to their advantage. (第46話)
太刀川:Mikumo is manipulating them from a distance forcing Nasu and Kuruma to go at each ot.(第102話)

0035: administer ~を運営する、~を施行する
レプリカ:The administrators designate the clothing. (第1話)
Q&A:Agents over age 20 whose growth has stopped often go into administration (like Sawamura). (5巻おまけ)

0036: enact ~を制定する
レプリカ:The choice is up to you. But if you want to enact that plan, do it now, while Miwa is fighting.(第79話)

0038: orchestrate ~を画策する
He played rugby in school. He was known back in the day as the calm and clear-minded fly half who orchestrated many great plays with a style that worked through even the smallest gaps in the opposing team's formation.(10巻おまけ)

0040: persist やり抜く、持続する、固執する
修:I've never seen her so persistent. (第21話)

0041: enhance ~を高める
Boost Amplifies the effect of trion. Can enhance attack strength. Used on the trion body, it will enhance physical strength. An all-purpose seal to use when you simply want more power. (2巻おまけ)
忍田:Borrowing your enhanced hearing was great help.(第72話)

0043: fortify ~を(~で)強化する
鬼怒田:Good thing I fortified the wall armor with extra trion after that training incident the other day. (第48話)
ランバネイン:Raiding the enemy fort alone? That's bold!(第62話)
ミラ:I've retrived Borboros and am standing by in front of the Meeden fort, as planned.(第73話)
ハイレインHe's about twenty steps from their fort.(第79話)

0044: expedite ~をはかどらせる、促進する
唐沢:The concept of an expedition to the neighbor world has sparked their imagination.(第87話)

0058: trigger ~を誘発する、(名)引き金、誘因

0060: muster ~を集める、~を奮い起こす
東:Even with all the shields they can muster, it's only a matter of time before they crumble.(第88話)

0066: tally (~と)符号する、一致する、~を集計する
We tallied a version that didn't count the multiple votes [one postcard per person], which resulted in a lot of fluctuations, such as Satori ranking 12th, Kitord in ninth, Reprica in eighth, and so on.(8巻おまけ、人気投票分析)

0067: detect ~を感知する、~を発見する
脇役列伝:No.1: Ringleader The worst of them. I hope he improves his danger detection skills and survives. (1巻おまけ)
レプリカ:Your trigger is too different from Osamu's. Border will detect it if you use it here. (第4話)
遊真:Man. This is complicated. A way to help Osamu without being detected... (第4話)
レプリカ:The more often your signature appears, the more likely border is to detect you. (第9話)
レプリカ:Rads can't attack, but there are many. We've detected thousands around the city. (第11話)
レプリカ:They had no way of knowing that along with the black trigger Yuma inherited Yugo's side effect - the ability to detect lies. (第20話)
ナレーション:Topography traversal training; Top score. Covert action training; Top score. Detection and tracking training; Top score. (第38話)
修:Kuga's side effect can detect lies...! So he's testing commander Kido! (第41話)
修:Chika can detect approachig enemies.(第63話)
堤:Trion shell detected! Protected part located! Marking the area!(第70話)

0076: transmit ~を(~に)伝達する、~を(~に)感染させる<to>
風間:So that's Jin's black trigger, fujin, the "wind blade." He transmits the slash of the blade through objects to strike anywhere he can see. (第28話)

0080: surmise 推測する
ハイレイン:When we sent the rads, they mobilized several hundred combatants. Considering that scale, we can surmise that many other skilled individuals besides those in this squad exist. (第46話)

0082: verify ~を検証する、~を確かめる
木戸司令:We haven't verified his identy yet. He could simply be using the name. (第18話)

0090: flaunt ~を誇示する
モブ:He's so modest... He doesn't flaunt his strength. (第6話)

0102: suppress ~を鎮圧する、~を抑圧する
修:I don't stand a chance in a firefight, so I'll use longer-range bullets to suppress the shotguns.(第87話)

0133: reprimand ~を(‥のことで)叱責する<for>
修:What I did was break the rules. I'll probably be severely reprimanded. (第6話)
遊真:Oh, Osamu knew he was breaking the rules. He knew he would get reprimanded if he fought. (第7話)

0148: nullify ~を無効にする
修:I've figured out how to nullify his invisibility. (第36話)

0149: revoke ~を取り消す
木戸:I don't need to deal. I could revoke your privilege to use that trigger because of your unauthorised battle with Tachikawa and his team. (第31話)

0150: thwart (計画など)を阻止する、を挫折させる
出水:The snipers were thwarted but they did their jobs.(第73話)

0151: disband (軍隊・組織などが)解散する
Once a squad makes A-Rank they can make their own emblem. Even if they are eventually demoted to B-Rank, they can continue to use their emblem until the spuad disbands.(9巻おまけ、Q&A: Part 8)

0153: disperse 分散する、~を分散させる、(知識など)を広める
レプリカ:The trion soldiers have greater numbers, but the enemy dispersed their forces. (第44話)
ハイレイン:Meeden's manpower is favorably dispersed. Everything is ready for the rabits to carry out their mission. (第52話)

0154: eradicate ~を根絶する
レプリカ:The plan is now to eradicate enemies in one area at a time. (第47話)
嵐山:This is Arashiyama squad! We eliminated one of the new models! We'll continue to eradicate trion soldiers en route to the next target. (第47話)

0155: rout ~を完敗させる
Konami Routing trion soldiers from the city(第62話)

0175:blur ~を不明瞭にさせる、(名)かすんだもの、ぼやけた状態
修:He is fending it off! Kuga can see this blur of motion?! (第5話)

0176: squabble (~のことで)口げんかする<over>
風間:I still don't get it... That's it? You were so determined to get that black trigger... Isn't it your teacher's memento?
迅:Mr. Mogami don't get mad just because I gave it up. He'd be happy there's less squabbling among agents. (第32話)

0178: bluff 虚勢を張る
奈良坂:He hasn't so much as glanced this way. There's no sign that we've been scanned. It's just a bluff to trick us. (第14話)

0183: heave ~を(~に)投げる<at, on>、~を持ち上げる、~を積み込む
唐沢:Careful so the top doesn't collapse. Steady now... Heave!!(第82話)

0186: deploy ~を配置する、(軍隊)を展開させる
起動音声:Exchange physical body with combat form. Deploy main armor. (第5話)
忍田:Their deployment of the new model has been sporadic. (第48話)
He is from the most recent generation of horned fighters to be deployed, which in terms of stability and Trion augmentation is one of the best in history.(8巻おまけ)
三上:The enemy has deployed trion! It's a gaseous attack!(第71話)
How far can an agent deploy a remote shield like the ones used in the battle with Rambanein?
It depends on individual ability, but they be able to deploy a shield up to 25 meters away. This remote defense is one of the reasons that Shield is superior to the shield on the Raygust.
(9巻おまけ、Q&A Part 8)

0206: traverse ~を横断する
ナレーション:Topography traversal training; Top score. Covert action training; Top score. Detection and tracking training; Top score. (第38話)
Neighbor countries are called "planet-nations" because they traverse the darkness on their own orbits. Many of them brush by this world as they travel along their path. Some, called "erratic nations," fly about freely, without determined orbits. (6巻、World Trigger Data Base)

0216: evade ~を避ける
迅:Advice? You mean about the upcoming large-scale invasion? Not really. The futures are infinite.
とりまる:You're evading the question.
レプリカ:It will take about twenty seconds to open the door. You will have to evade attack in the meantime.(第78話)
ハイレイン:The real threat is the one who defeated Visa. He's behind me and to the right. As long as I know where to evade, I won't have any trouble killing the carrier!(第80話)

0224: replenish ~を補充する
Q&A:Does Trion get replenished with time or sleep? (5巻おまけ)

0230: deplete ~を使い果たす
レプリカ:Your combat body is gone. Your trion is nearly depleted.(第79話)

0231: project ~を見積もる、~を提示する
忍田:Today's topic is about what's projected to happen in the near future, a large-scale neighbor invasion. (第38話)




英検3級  中学の頃。[記録なし]
英検準1級 15年第3回 [一次78点、二次33点]

08年10月 630点 [記録なし]
12年09月 625点 [L285、R340]
13年03月 685点 [L325、R360]
13年06月 685点 [L305、R380]
14年03月 950点 [L460、R490]
14年12月 920点 [L470、R450]

15年02月 280点 [S130、W150]


